« Tour des Reines »  is a we-share and co-creation NGO event on thursday 8th March 2018 – International Womensday.  In early days the Queens promoted the bike, symbol of Liberty, Independence and Emancipation. Today 8 exemplary women in Bike Mobility between Amsterdam and Kampala, will meet up in Chalon-sur-Saône Burgundy to promote daily biking and to evolve mentalities into sustainable mobility in France.  And all countries with less than 10% daily biking in fact.

Chalon-sur-Saône, in the logistic heart of France, is a global cyclotourism crossroad and localy there are 3 priority neighbourhoods according to the city politics where bike mobility is developping. We are opening the debat of new forms of transport, as a replacement of solo-voiturism = 1 person in a car.

The morning programm is on invitation and the festive day will be accessible for all between 13-17h at Chalon Co-Working, Impasse de la Cloche. Programm &  inscriptions Tour des Reines 8 Mars 2018

Support the Tour des Reines with crowdfunding



Amanda cycling 5km to work in polluted Kampala, Ouganda on Youtube first 2 min’ 

Listen to this urban planner at Velocity Nantes 2015.

À propos de ECOMMoBILE France

Project Eco Mobility Burgundy since 25/11/2011 Status Professional Trainee Chalon sur Saône 336 31 79 03 20 skype ecomoblie71 facebook ecommobile google Judith / Projet Eco Mobilité Member of associations FUB, French Federation of Bike Users, VELOsurSAONE and Road Safety in SAONE-ET-LOIRE, BURGUNDY, FRANCE

Une réponse "

  1. Watch one of our great modern bike queens in Kampala (first 2 min.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-27zlDcBh4&t=15s

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